Monday, January 18, 2016

Digital Piracy…… and Deviance

After reading this article which stated that teens and adults nowadays are pirating movies are in fact committing deviant acts. Although, as a normal individual who doesn’t partake in the illegal downloading of movies or entertainment in any certain way….. That may be. But this author proved that in fact, these kids that are partaking in these illegal activities don’t find these truly illegal because all the kids around them do it too! Thus, it proves the statement that if you are around peers of deviant nature, you in turn will turn deviant and rebellious. It can all basically boil down to the nature vs nurture argument in a way. As long as you are in constant contact with deviance it will make you become deviant. This author also states that because of everyone doing this it blurs the lines for what’s right and wrong on the internet in today’s world. If everyone is doing it, then they really can’t stop it because there is too many to catch. So, really all the enforcers can do is warn and give idle threats because it’s almost out of their boundaries to deal with it. In the end, deviant acts such as piracy are still highly illegal but so many people commit the deviant acts that it makes it near impossible to combat. Its a battle that isn't easily won and the only way to win it is by taking a stand. Staying smart and staying within legal boundaries on the internet is the only way to combat digital piracy.... The Digital Deviance.

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