Friday, January 22, 2016

NRA and White Privilege


                After reading these extensive amount of articles and acquiring information our first question was asked. The question is “What is white privilege?” and is it real? I do believe that after reading these articles that it does in fact exist. It is an everyday deal. There are multiple examples stated in these articles and the more I think about it the more it makes sense. This totally exists based on the sheer fact that our country has come to model everything on the white man. As appalling as it is, there is a reason behind this. It’s because of as of now there are more whites than minorities. But, as we saw, it will not be this way for long. The privilege that we have had in the past and present will be history. And, to me that’s a good thing! As long as we are all equal, we are truly free.

                Now comes the question of who the mass shooters are? I believe that they are the rejects and the ones who are stepped on. These people are the lowest of the low. To earn attention that they have been so desperately seeking for years; they go and shoot up a school or church in desire of getting some news time. It’s so depressing that this is what our society has come to! Instead of giving them help we toss them in a reject neighborhood and they just get worse and worse. So in the end I believe that the shooters are all races but the lowest of those races.


                As for the NRA, I believe the fact that they directly influence the political theatre of today’s world. It is the main drive behind the pro-gun debate. The Republican Party is basically supported by the NRA and the many members. Whereas, the Democratic Party is very against the gun rights we have. I think that as long as you have the support of the NRA you can actually win the presidential election. This connects to the articles because they are the main driving force behind the fact that many people aren’t supporting gun rights in this nation of ours. And those very people are calling for universal change. The NRA sadly won’t be around much longer due to its controversial nature. It’s really a shame because of the impact they can have on us gun lovers. It’s sad to see that people don’t value the guns and weapons like they used to when the NRA was founded. As long as the NRA is around we can have a political safety valve and have the support of millions of gun loving and respectable Americans.

                With Gun Control Laws, I believe that we will be very limited in the effect of the fact that we are going to end up having the 2nd Amendment changed to the point where it will be useless to have it in the first place. It is a shame that people don’t realize that people kill people not guns. As long as we have the NRA’s support we will have our rights but I do believe that because of the fact that there will not be the NRA in the coming years. The 2nd Amendment will be changed without it’s backing and we won’t have guns before long. Maybe control laws are what we need but not to the point many are proposing. It just isn’t worth making millions of Americans angry.

Overall, in the end the connection between White Privilege and the NRA is the fact that because we have all these rights and such that we are the main driving point politically. As long as we are the majority and have the NRA backing us up, we will have it our way. But, when the NRA is gone, so will our gun rights and even some political power that we have. We need peace and we need to learn to compromise or in the end all we will have is more violence and death. All, we need to fix what we have before it is gone. This needs to be done for the sake of the nation and the future people as well!

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