Friday, December 11, 2015

Who Am I                          Part II

In doing these tests I learned something about myself that I didn’t even really realize. I figured out that I am a very caring person! Before you take these tests, you don’t realize these little things about yourself. They go unnoticed in everyday life. At least by yourself! The more and more I look at these polls. The more I realize I actually am like these say! It also states that I am an extrovert! This is something I already know as I like being around big crowds and I really find it interesting to find out someone’s life story. You can learn so much of a person by letting them converse with you and just visit. That is something I wouldn’t do without. I love hearing about how some people grew up and the hardships they experienced. By listening and talking you can open up parts of knowledge that may have been previously locked.  The test I though was the most valid was the happiness test! I found out that I wasn’t a cynical or stern person but I was far from it. I actually believe I scored in the 30s indicating that I was a happy and generous individual. The test that had me the most skeptic was the Celebrity test. I feel like this could be true but it just surprises me that I am the most like Oprah! I can see the positive aspects of this as everyone indicated in my group was an Extrovert and a very social person. All these tests served their purposes and it was extremely interesting to see that I was in fact an extrovert and I could actually compare myself to other kids in my class in a way. Everyone is different and that is what makes us unique. By us being unique that is what leads to these tests. This is why we all can be who we want to be and how we can all hold our own values. Overall, this was an extremely interesting project and I would gladly take more of these tests to truly see who I am and who I may be!

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