Thursday, October 22, 2015

Too lazy to get a Job!
People can’t help it sometimes as they live in low privilege areas and jobs aren’t easy to find
There aren’t any jobs…
They found that in low income areas….. It is found to be more difficult to find a job in this.
That all Democrats support Welfare
This is false as Clinton really tried to reform welfare and eliminates them!
The money is squandered on alcohol!
That is actually very false as many of them try to support their families!
It got poor people into jobs
This is true as millions of people have been helped by giving them guidance!
Helped save the people during the Depression
It gave them jobs during the greatest recession is US History
Develops a safety net for a lot of people
Gives something for someone to fall back on just in case of times of low income
People need to be helped into jobs
This may very well be the answer to helping this decades old problem



After reading about how Clinton wanted to end the social welfare program…. I support Clinton and how he realized that welfare has more downsides than upsides.  Social welfare was certainly a great idea at the time it was needed. But now as more jobs are created we need to take advantage of this. There are thousands of jobs for the taking and it needs to happen.  By eradicating the program and eliminating welfare for society. This may help lead to taxes not being lowered.  Maybe with this being eradicated more jobs will be taken and more taxes will be paid. This may lead to a big increase in income. After all of this maybe the problem won’t be solved but might as well try. Maybe it will urge people to get jobs and pursue a career. It just may work!

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