Wednesday, October 14, 2015

         As we sit here and asked the question "Do people control societies or do societies control the people?" Well, I believe societies control the people. Its just the way we are! Everyone wants to conform to these social norms. And because of that the society is the one that is the controller of sorts. People I believe are hardwired to conform to their beliefs and values. We will adapt to how our society views us. As long as you want to fit in... Society is the one controlling us. Although, a different view can be looked upon. People are the ones who created this societies. Therefore, don't peoples opinions (societies) control the other people? Either way, norms and morals are set by a certain society. If you follow those views you are dedicating yourself to that societies' cause. The only way to be aware of this is to promote sociological mindfulness. By learning of another's cultures norms and values you can learn to be more aware and respectful. It leads to a more close knit relationship between cultures and may lead to more peace. If societies viewpoints are possibly intertwined that may lead to a cure to some problems. So overall, I believe that really in the end that societies do control the people. But, in a different viewpoint, that maybe its not the literal people but the urges to conform to norms and wanting to fit in to a society that makes people be controlled. Doesn't that mean you can control how much  you are controlled?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your approach but I must ask you, if society controls people, but people control the norms of society, then what comes first. And can a society be changed through social movements or do social movements just flex the norms of society and society adapts. So do people adapt or does society adapt.
