Tuesday, October 6, 2015

28th Amendment

·         I believe if we were to revise the Amendments and add another right to pray in school or express religious beliefs in school events. I think that this needs to be added because there is a lack of faith and well-being in our schools now days. The bible provides us with moral guidelines to follow and faithfully keep to. I don’t see why we aren’t allowed to say our prayers. Since all religions would be allowed, no one would be singled out. If you pray to yourself it shouldn’t matter as it will keep to yourself. I think this needs to be added because it may add some morals in a world where there are not a lot of them anymore.



  1. I agree with you Mason. We should all be allowed to express our love for God no matter where we are, and people of other religions should be able to worship their God. I think that with school being such a consuming part of our lives, it really takes away from a lot of our advancement in our relationship with God.

  2. I agree with you Mason! As followers of God we should be able to express how we feel where ever we are. Plus it already says that we have freedom of religion in the constitution so we should be able to do that as Americans where we want to.

  3. I also agree with MyBoySmitty. I have the right as an American citizen to express my first amendment rights to freedom of religion. Religion is a very big part of my life, ever since I was a little kid. I am very strongly agreeing with this newly proposed amendment.
