Thursday, October 22, 2015

Too lazy to get a Job!
People can’t help it sometimes as they live in low privilege areas and jobs aren’t easy to find
There aren’t any jobs…
They found that in low income areas….. It is found to be more difficult to find a job in this.
That all Democrats support Welfare
This is false as Clinton really tried to reform welfare and eliminates them!
The money is squandered on alcohol!
That is actually very false as many of them try to support their families!
It got poor people into jobs
This is true as millions of people have been helped by giving them guidance!
Helped save the people during the Depression
It gave them jobs during the greatest recession is US History
Develops a safety net for a lot of people
Gives something for someone to fall back on just in case of times of low income
People need to be helped into jobs
This may very well be the answer to helping this decades old problem



After reading about how Clinton wanted to end the social welfare program…. I support Clinton and how he realized that welfare has more downsides than upsides.  Social welfare was certainly a great idea at the time it was needed. But now as more jobs are created we need to take advantage of this. There are thousands of jobs for the taking and it needs to happen.  By eradicating the program and eliminating welfare for society. This may help lead to taxes not being lowered.  Maybe with this being eradicated more jobs will be taken and more taxes will be paid. This may lead to a big increase in income. After all of this maybe the problem won’t be solved but might as well try. Maybe it will urge people to get jobs and pursue a career. It just may work!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

1:            15% or 46 million people
2:            50th
3:            This chart is saying that the percentage chance of ending up in the lowest quartile..... (Lowest Class) by the time you are 30, is significantly higher than the chance of ending up in the highest quartile.

4:            Growing up in a two earning household, Completing a formal education, Developing a healthy spending habit, Storing savings, and healthy home life

5:   Work, Faith, Family, Community

6:   Safety Net- The government will help build a career by supplying financial aid
      Earned Income Tax Credit- This provides a rewards program that encourages people to work.
      Education: By getting an education, you are going to provide yourself with income.
      Criminal Justice: Helps the better prisoners adjust to society by providing them a credit system
      Regressive Regulations: Protects low income citizens from harsh payment on energy or bills that government imposes

7:   Both are to blame in my mind..... I think that by the government giving them the option to not work and live on welfare is part of the problem. By this the person is showed that he doesn't need to work. On the contrary, the person receiving welfare needs to do his part by getting a job and paying taxes.

8: I believe that the taxes need to be kept at a reasonable rate...... By cutting programs, more harm is being done than good. I just thing more work has to be done by the individual to pay the taxes!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

         As we sit here and asked the question "Do people control societies or do societies control the people?" Well, I believe societies control the people. Its just the way we are! Everyone wants to conform to these social norms. And because of that the society is the one that is the controller of sorts. People I believe are hardwired to conform to their beliefs and values. We will adapt to how our society views us. As long as you want to fit in... Society is the one controlling us. Although, a different view can be looked upon. People are the ones who created this societies. Therefore, don't peoples opinions (societies) control the other people? Either way, norms and morals are set by a certain society. If you follow those views you are dedicating yourself to that societies' cause. The only way to be aware of this is to promote sociological mindfulness. By learning of another's cultures norms and values you can learn to be more aware and respectful. It leads to a more close knit relationship between cultures and may lead to more peace. If societies viewpoints are possibly intertwined that may lead to a cure to some problems. So overall, I believe that really in the end that societies do control the people. But, in a different viewpoint, that maybe its not the literal people but the urges to conform to norms and wanting to fit in to a society that makes people be controlled. Doesn't that mean you can control how much  you are controlled?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

28th Amendment

·         I believe if we were to revise the Amendments and add another right to pray in school or express religious beliefs in school events. I think that this needs to be added because there is a lack of faith and well-being in our schools now days. The bible provides us with moral guidelines to follow and faithfully keep to. I don’t see why we aren’t allowed to say our prayers. Since all religions would be allowed, no one would be singled out. If you pray to yourself it shouldn’t matter as it will keep to yourself. I think this needs to be added because it may add some morals in a world where there are not a lot of them anymore.