Wednesday, September 30, 2015

6th Amendment

·         This amendment states that a person who is accused that we have the right to a fair and speedy trial. In the state where the act was committed. Enacted to make trials more efficient and fair.

o   Basically summarizes that no matter who the person or what crime has been committed the criminal has a right to a fast fair trial. This effectively sped up trials and made them fairer in the process.

o   Was part of the original Bill of Rights

o   Ratified on December 15th, 1791.

o   (Example): Basically any case that involves a jury is using this amendment actively.
This Amendment means  that no person will have to experience a dragged out trial.
8th Amendment

·         This amendment states that a convict is not legally subject to cruel and unusual punishment. Referred to as the cruel and unusual punishment clause. Is mainly an amendment for the law enforcement.

o   Aims to prevent cruelty and excessive bail/punishments.

o   Bill of rights

o   Ratified on December 15th, 1791.

o   (Example) :
         Along with the 6th Amendment any case is actively using this by not providing excessive punishment.
This Amendment means that no one will be treated cruelly no  matter what because they are protected by this amendment.

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