Wednesday, September 30, 2015

  •   It was stressful
  • I was expecting a normal game of cards.
  • When I realized we couldn't talk!!
  • I really have no clue
  • I wanted to yell "Diamonds trump all"
  • Yes..... Everyone has different values in life and we all did in this game
  • Absolutely... We all need to realize each others values and communicate for success!
  • We need to learn others customs and cultures in order for all of us to thrive.

6th Amendment

·         This amendment states that a person who is accused that we have the right to a fair and speedy trial. In the state where the act was committed. Enacted to make trials more efficient and fair.

o   Basically summarizes that no matter who the person or what crime has been committed the criminal has a right to a fast fair trial. This effectively sped up trials and made them fairer in the process.

o   Was part of the original Bill of Rights

o   Ratified on December 15th, 1791.

o   (Example): Basically any case that involves a jury is using this amendment actively.
This Amendment means  that no person will have to experience a dragged out trial.
8th Amendment

·         This amendment states that a convict is not legally subject to cruel and unusual punishment. Referred to as the cruel and unusual punishment clause. Is mainly an amendment for the law enforcement.

o   Aims to prevent cruelty and excessive bail/punishments.

o   Bill of rights

o   Ratified on December 15th, 1791.

o   (Example) :
         Along with the 6th Amendment any case is actively using this by not providing excessive punishment.
This Amendment means that no one will be treated cruelly no  matter what because they are protected by this amendment.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bacha Bazi
       After reading this article I am appalled to find out that these type of things happen in that culture. It is shocking to say the least. For Bacha Bazi to be acceptable in their culture is absolutely unacceptable. These children are forced to do these unmoral and terrible acts at the threat of death. The worse part about this is the fact that the people do it...... are the people who are supposed to be protecting them from harm. It's kind of easy to see the irony in this situation. To think the troops are just supposed to stand by and watch is terrible to say the least. Their jobs are at stake if they intervene. It is just sickening.

     We have to keep in mind that this is their culture. That means we need to practice sociological mindfulness. We need to put ourselves in their shoes. That doesn't make this okay! Although this has been practiced for years, this doesn't make it acceptable in todays culture. This culture has practices that are out of date! To think that they are still allowed to do this is awful. Those people have been doing this for centuries. They don't want our culture but they want our help fighting the terrorists. The difficult part is if we leave this will continue on because its part of the culture. And no civilization wants to change its culture.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

         Dear Auntie,

                I'm stuck in a nightmare to which I am never sure I will leave. Our plane has crashed on the beach killing all adults, leaving only us kids to fight for survival. I'm not worried though, as we have a kid who believes he can lead us to safety.
              His name is Ralph. He is an intelligent, nice kid. He is widely considered to be a very responsible leader. Some of the other survivors tend to believe he is our way out of this wretched mess. He listens well and is very mature for our age. There is one kid that seems to be a bit of jerk and his name is Jack. To me, he has an ego and seems counter-productive at times. He also seems like he may be part of the problem in the future as he an Ralph don't really get along. I am not a very big fan of this kid. Food is around but sometimes we just have a hard time getting it. For instance, Jack was hunting along with his group when he came upon this boar. Instead of killing it, providing a feast for the rest of us, he let it escape because I think he didn't have the guts to kill it. Another kid I can tell you about is Simon. He is a small kid with a large mind. Almost like a philosopher! He is very intelligent and if he spoke up more maybe he could help find a way of this horrible island.
             We have had to come up with ideas to keep us civilized and organized. One of which is called, the Conch. When you have this conch and blow into it means that a meeting is in order or food is prepared. I'm afraid this may turn into a bad deal as its power will be misleading to some. One terrible thing about this island is the beasties. We believe they are snakes in the trees that serve no purpose other than to terrorize the survivors. The only one who doesn't believe they are snakes is Simon? Maybe he's right but it isn't worth the risk for me. The thing that terrifies me the most is the Beast. It is a scary thought and just talking about it makes me shudder. It seems to always be around which makes it equally as terrifying. We also have two groups the hunters and gathers. They are a choir who was on the plane when it crashed. The hunters tend to be more cruel I believe. Anyways, I'm not respected a whole lot by either group because of how I look. It is a shame because I tend to have some great ideas but no one really listens. I believe that with working together I could come home. But until then, I am stuck here.

               Best Wishes,

Friday, September 11, 2015

  Sociology Blog
       After watching this video on micro and macrosociology, we learned about how each one relates to society. Macrosociology is how topics are viewed on a large scale.

          That can be related to our earlier blog as we were asked to think about not only stepping into the shoes of a single person but also of an entire society. By doing this we can better communicate with other people in whole cultures. It can also lead to better understanding of how other people think.

 Microsociology is the easier of the two to understand I believe.
          It is easier to understand because this deals with the interactions between two individuals. It is easier to adapt to their ideas and their thinking because you can better understand their views. It is easier to recommend. In our project, we got to better understand the people and their values by determining who was most useful to the boat. We got a better understanding of microsociology in return.

  Both views are key to Sociology because they describe how we can view a subject. They just different viewpoints on things. Microsociology focuses on face to face interaction whereas Macrosociology focus on the big view of things.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

  Sociological Mindfulness

          After watching this video and listening to Sam Richard's thoughts on mindfulness, I can relate to his thoughts. What he was saying about putting ourselves in the typical Muslim man's shoes and try to think how tough it is over there isn't an easy thing to do. We have been lucky enough to be placed on this country. We are shielded from insults and the everyday violence the people of the Middle East endure every time they take a step out their door. Us as American's don't have to step outside to see a tank drive by or wake up to the sound of gunfire just don the street. Bombs go off everyday in the streets killing innocent men, women, and children; and very rarely we hear about it on the news. I agree with the what Mr. Richards said when he stated that all we were to them were "Christian Invaders". To them we have no real good reason we are there. The only legit reason is oil. The Muslim people don't even think we should be there. And they might have a good point. But we can't ignore the good we have done. But I don't think they remember that as well as they remember what negative things such as drone attacks, and the battles being fought. So basically, in their eyes we are just the enemy. Just as some of them are enemies to us. Both sides have different viewpoints on this. The only way to truly understand both is to put ourselves in the shoes of the less fortunate. This is the only way to engage of social mindfulness. This is how we can better our views on the world. Social mindfulness, I believe, could help solve some problems in everyday life. So overall, if we can just learn to see both sides of a problem, it in turn can solve the problem.