Monday, April 25, 2016

Did its nation really lose its innocence after the assassination of JFK?
   No, I don’t believe we did. Our nation was so corrupt and disorderly that we would murder our president just to further interests is appalling. The thought that money and power reigned supreme is appalling and one those sadly still reigns supreme. We didn’t have much innocence to start with and this completely destructed all morals that some members of our society had. Our country was founded by men with moral fiber and a patriotic will to serve your country. Nowadays, we take to the lengths of assassinating the president just to further the war machine we have constructed. A majority of the US population was appalled and shocked. There was a minority of the US that praised his death although; they viewed him as a communist and a toxin to our country. They viewed him as weak and not full of guts and strength. The world was appalled as well. Most of the countries had well relations with us; but there were some communist countries that praised the death of this “communist supporter”.  The future of the US is scary. The two front runner candidates are people who have done some very un-American things. We have a racist republican and our democratic candidate is known for lying and even having connections to drugs. In short, I believe our country is in a downward spiral and that won’t change. As long as money > morals…. Corruptness will reign supreme.
                Did 9/11 have a similar effect on the US?
Absolutely, it had lasting effects that are still felt today. It ushered in an era of fear. Every time, we see a person of Muslim descent, we associate them with extremism and violence. I truly believe that this also was a conspiracy. It goes back to the basis that money and wealth reigns supreme. This had the same backstory on why JFK was assassinated. By ushering in fear and blaming the Middle East as scapegoats; we could effectively find a “purpose” to invade those countries. We said we were going to stop terrorism… and what did we actually get out of it? We got the loss of 5,000 American lives in fighting alone and billions in money from oil and the war department. We have to face the fact that we need change nowadays. We need to stand up for what’s right and now for what will give us the most money. If this is what our country has come to, then I’m afraid what our country has in store for us. The government has so much power that they can influence the media into getting us to believe an entire race is responsible for a terrorist attack. I don’t feel that the American public blamed themselves. I believe that they blamed an entire race based on a few radicals. As long as we can find a way to get money, we will continue upon these moral less ways.
Who Killed JFK?
To me this was a combination of the CIA and the Johnson Agency. All signs point to this as the most viable option. The most complex assassination attempt was performed by our own government. All this was performed on the basis of two things: Power and Wealth. Kennedy was against the thought of war and was more focused on the domestic issues. To hi, furthering our knowledge of the universe and of our own planet. He wanted to cease fire and stall the issues with the communist countries. The military leaders saw him as soft. He didn’t want to go to war in Vietnam. Kennedy wanted them to fight their own fight. War=money so obviously the corrupt leaders were outraged. The only way for wealth to keep coming into our country was to enter war in Vietnam. So, they combined with some agents in the South and devised a way to assassinate Kennedy. They succeeded in destroying what most of the American public held so dearly.
I truly do believe the assassinations of RFK and MLK are linked to the government. They were the men who directly carried JFK’s views on politics. By killing them off, that meant that they couldn’t carry his flame. RFK is a carbon copy of his brother and he had the chance to directly carry on his brother’s momentum. I believe the same people who assassinated JFK; assassinated these two revered men as well.
In the end, it is a true shame that this is what we have come to. The fact that money reigns over morals makes me feel like we have lost our moral fibers in our country. But, it’s human nature. It has always been this way and will always be this way. The feeling of being on top is a drug to so many that they will do anything to be there. Even, if it means assassinating the President of the United States. Corruptness will always be around. We just have to choose to do the right and hope it cancels out the wrong.

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