Monday, May 9, 2016

Nash equilibrium- Conflict can’t be avoided… There will always be someone who will be on the lower end of a conflict.

Game theory- A game where taking in the consideration not only involves costs, but interaction overall. This can directly relate to the Nash Equilibrium in the fact that they are directly involved within each other.

Prisoner dilemma- This is an example of the top two terms. You have two prisoners and by both of them trying to better themselves; end up worsening their issues because of their pure selfishness and desire to better themselves instead.

In history: Anytime that any countries have had bad blood or any conflict. Both will try what they can to get on top but will both be affected in a negative way.

In Government: When two opposing political groups argue and try to prove a point over something like a bill.

In economics: Two countries trying to own and top each other’s profit and income by getting the best price per object (oil, natural gas, uranium, etc.…)

Related to sociology: Whenever we are faced with a game theory or situation in which others value is argued.

Related to psychology: This can happen when you are forced to make a decision and you have to weigh the options.

In your everyday life:  This can happen anytime and anywhere. Every situation has a prisoners dilemma to it. 
 Shutter Island        
The mind is a complex network of information. It has enough power to send a man to the man and cure diseases that have ravaged mankind for thousands of years. It is also a sensitive and delicate piece to ourselves and how we live. The littlest things can spark memories and reactions that can change how we live. That being said, “Shutter Island” showed just how truly delicate the human mind is. Teddy was a regular man changed by the tragic murder of his children by his deranged wife.

It is truly a sad story. A young man who fought valiantly for his country, who encountered one of the worst doings of mankind since we have been on this sacred planet; then, take into consideration that he was an alcoholic and his wife was clinically insane. This is a recipe for complete mental meltdown and disaster. It would drive any man mad. The children he holds dearest to him, taken, and all by the woman he has learned to trust. It makes for an interesting case of denial and psychological treatment. Teddy has convinced himself that he is a different person just to avoid the responsibility of their deaths. He has denied it to the point that he is on a cycle where his beliefs are running from the truth.

He ventures into the unknown and tries to find a truth that just doesn’t exist. He is faced with a prisoner’s dilemma. But, this dilemma isn’t with another individual. This dilemma is with him. His brain got to him and it ended up costing him in the end. It truly is a shame that this man had to go through what he did in this film. To see what Teddy saw and by giving us an insight to what events led to his mental breakdown; let us understand how truly fragile the human mind is. It also showed the unconventional methods of the way we treated these “patients”. Chains and cages were reserved for the worst of the worst. Ward C was only used for the worst of the worst. For Teddy to see this was what I believe, to be the thing to really drive him over the wall. To see what shape these men were in and how they reacted to which the environment they were placed.

This was an interesting movie. It was one that made you think while also providing the possibilities for your brain to wander. By letting us think, it allows us to be Teddy and think like him. It allows to see how all these moments can impact how you live your life. Ted let the agony and defeat to break him down mentally. The human brain can be so easily changed. Any idea or belief can fool you into believing reality. This is what happened to Teddy. The years of wear and tear wore him down to the point that all it took was a spark to send him past the safety on a mental barrier. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Was Gary Webb a Hero?                                                                                                               Mason Hanse

This is a puzzling question to say the least. Was a man who released some of our government’s deepest, darkest secrets a hero? In some ways yes…. But in others; of course not! This man was an investigative reporter with often un-orthodox ways of reporting. So, many can see why he was awfully uneasy to trust when it came to questions about his sources. His main sources were criminals and a bunch of untrustworthy people. On the other hand, it isn’t like he was a complete idiot either. You just can’t make these things up. The government has been involved in conspiracies and cover ups before! What better way to describe this than the fact that it was going to earn those millions and millions of dollars. Money is the root of all evil and our government can attest to that. All of these wars on terrorism and drugs are based on the fact that it will give the government money. Gary Webb sought to show this to the world. In some ways, this is quite honorable. He wanted to equalize the government to the people and let the truth be told. I don’t believe he did it to be a true truth seeker although; I believe he did it just to get his name bigger and him in the national limelight. So the real question is; was this honorable cause or a selfish one. I believe it was the latter. Now comes the question, was it right of the CIA to do this? Of course not! To ruin a man’s reputation and threaten his family just because he is releasing truths about illegal government activity; to me that makes you no better than the governments that reigned over Cuba and Soviet Russia at that time. That comes the point that you are taking away this man’s right to speak and for his voice to be heard. One of our Founding Fathers said, “When the government becomes so powerful it become broken, it is time for a new government.” I am a firm believer in this statement. If a journalist can’t even speak out and voice his opinion without being berated and talked down upon by his fellow citizens; then I believe something is truly wrong. So, to answer this question, I believe Gary was both! Webb put his life on the line to release the truths about our corrupt government (Hero) but, he did it just to make his name better and to better himself (Zero).